Data Warehouse (Data Reporting, Made Easier)
Combining a course's individual "Component Report" ...
Combining a course's individual "Component Report" into single "Full Course Report"
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As you can imagine, downloading these individual files may be fairly straightforward to download one at a time, but it does create a little bit of a problem if you want to put all the data about one course for each learner in a single Excel file. Some of the examples I have done so far, if you download five reports, you have to sort of copy and paste them into a single Excel file with data from five different Excel files, and you have to try to match the learner so that each learner's data is on the same row. And that may not even match if you have more learners starting the course, and some learners may not do the pretest, even less people do the engagement, even less people do the post-test, and even less people do the evaluation. As you can imagine, stitching all the files together into a single Excel file can be quite manual intensive. To address this problem, we have introduced a data warehouse capabilities. So here's the example of how data warehouse download works. So you will still click into the course, and under progress, there's a download full data. So I'm just going to click on download full data. Download full data essentially download every single component within that course setup. And then we'll give you a single Excel file with the data as if you have downloaded every single components report individually, and then stitch them together. Now with that said, a few things, obviously this report that I'm going to download is going to be very, very wide, as in you will have very a lot of columns to the right. So we're just going to show what this is going to look like. I'm just going to highlight everything and click on the column divider so that you can see how many columns you have. We will color code it so that you will see the user information at the beginning. And then the first, that's the name of the course. You can see here's the overall user progress section, which is the light blue, followed by this does not have a pre-course survey. It starts with a pre-test, but you can see the pre-test score, and here is what the user's response is and whether they get it right. The next question's response, whether they get it right, and you can see if I scroll to the right, all three questions for the pre-exam is captured here, followed by the entire section around user's engagement, followed more by the entire section of the post-test that happened to have the same three pairs of the questions. And obviously, I also have a post-exam score. And if I just scroll to the right a little bit, here is the evaluation. As you can see, every single component for that one course is essentially stitched together with one learner per row so that you don't have to download them one at a time. You can just download this one file, you get all the data. This is a lot of evaluation data, so I'm going to keep scrolling to the right. And then the last set is the credit that has been claimed. This course offers quite a different type of credits, but as you can see, not everyone can claim all the credit. So as you can see, this really gives you a very convenient way of downloading every single report across the entire course with one learner per row so that you can, if you want, for example, select all the rows, select a filter, and then you can basically do – oh, sorry. I don't want to do that. I'm just going to clear the filter. What I want to do is I want to select row number three and below, do a filter. Now you can basically say, give me everybody who is, for example, a member, who have answered certain questions, or maybe non-member, give me more data. And then you can basically answer the question, who scored, let's say, 100%. So you can see, because everything is in one Excel file, you can definitely use Excel file's filtering capability to run various analysis as you please. Keep in mind that this data, in order to give you all the data in one Excel file, we do have to do what's basically referred to as a data warehouse, as in we are flattening out the data for this report once a day. That means this data only have the data as of the morning that you generate the Excel file. So if you generate that Excel file at, say, 3 p.m., and a person took the course before 3 p.m., but if someone took the course today, their data is not going to be here until tomorrow because we are basically generating this data overnight. Because otherwise, it just takes too long to generate the data on the fly, which is why we are generating overnight to create sort of a snapshot of a user's response. But what's nice is that a single click gives you every data point on the same course in the same Excel file.
Video Summary
Downloading individual reports for each course can be cumbersome, requiring manual compilation into a single Excel file. A new data warehouse capability streamlines this process by allowing users to download comprehensive data for a course in one Excel file. This file includes all learner data, organized neatly with one learner per row, making analysis easier using Excel's features. However, the data updates daily, providing a snapshot from the previous day. This approach simplifies data management and enables efficient filtering and analysis of course data.
data warehouse
Excel file
learner data
daily updates
data management
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